
Dr Umakhanth Venkatraman Girija

Job: Associate Professor (Immunology)

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Allied Health Sciences

Address: ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: +44(0) 116 257 7717

E: umakhanth.venkatramangirija@dmu.ac.uk


Social Media:


Personal profile

Dr. Umakhanth Venkatraman Girija is an Associate Professor of Immunology at ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ), UK. He is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), and a Ph.D. graduate from Oxford University, UK, with 25 years of experience spanning teaching, research, and academic service. He is one of the ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ academic co-leads, Education for Sustainable Development. He was a gold medallist in both his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in Microbiology, demonstrating academic excellence early in his career. In addition to his academic career, he has five years of industry experience (Biocon, India), having worked on molecular biology projects with leading multinational biotech and pharmaceutical companies across the USA and Europe.

Dr. Girija has served as Programme Leader for MSc Advanced Biomedical Science (ABMS) at ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ, UK, for over four years, where he led the programme team to secure the first-ever IBMS accreditation for the MSc ABMS at ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ.  His teaching expertise covers immunology, microbiology, molecular biology, and applied biotechnology. Passionate about integrating research with education, he strives to develop critical thinkers and future leaders in science. His dedication to teaching excellence and curriculum development has been recognized with the Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Teacher Award (2018) and the Students' Choice Teacher Award (2024). He is committed to raising the profile of his institution through innovative pedagogy and research-integrated learning.

Dr. Girija’s research focuses on immune evasion strategies of pathogens to develop novel therapeutics. He has an extensive publication record and a history of securing competitive research and equipment funding. As an active contributor to the scientific community, he frequently presents at professional conferences, seminars, and meetings.


Research group affiliations

LIPHSCI, Infectious Disease (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ)

Publications and outputs

  • Gaffar, N.R.; Valand, N.; Venkatraman Girija, U. Candidiasis: Insights into Virulence Factors, Complement Evasion and Antifungal Drug Resistance. Microorganisms 202513, 272.
  • Valand N, Gazioglu O, Yesilkaya H, Shivkumar M, Horley N, Arroo R, Wallis R, Kishore U, Venkatraman Girija U. (2023). Interactions of Candida tropicalis pH-related antigen 1 with complement proteins C3, C3b, factor-H, C4BP and complement evasion. Immunobiology. 228(1):152303.
  • Sari, S., Valand, N. & Venkatraman Girija, U. (2022). A hybrid ligand and structure-based virtual screening of NCI compound library identifies potential SAPT1 inhibitors. Journal of Research in Pharmacy. 26(3): 617-624;
  • Valand, N., Brunt, E., Gazioglu, O., Yesilkaya, H., Mitchell, D., Horley, N., Arroo, R., Kishore, U., Wallis, R. & Venkatraman Girija, U. (2022). Inactivation of the complement lectin pathway by Candida tropicalis secreted aspartyl protease-1. Immunobiology. 227(6), 152263.
  • Abdullah, I.T., Ulijasz, A.T., Venkatraman Girija, U., Tam, S., Andrew, P., Hiller, N.L., Wallis, R. & Yesilkaya, H. (2022). Structure‐function analysis for the development of peptide inhibitors for a Gram‐positive quorum sensing system. Molecular Microbiology. 117, 1464–1478;  
  • Valand, N. & Venkatraman Girija, U., (2021). Candida pathogenicity and interplay with the immune system. In: Kishore, U. (eds) Microbial Pathogenesis. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2021;1313: 241-272.
  • Freeman, S.L., Kwon, H., Portolano, N., Parkin, G., Venkatraman Girija, U., Basran, J., Fielding, A.J., Fairall, L., Svistunenko, D.A., Moody, P.C.E., Schwabe, J.W.R., Kyriacou, C.P., & Raven, E.L. (2019). Heme binding to human CLOCK affects interactions with the E-box, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116 (40) 19911-19916,
  • Almitairi. J.O.M., Venkatraman Girija, U., Furze, C.M., Simpson-Gray, X., Badakshi, F., Marshall, J.E., Schwaeble, W.J., Mitchell, D.A., Moody, P.C.E., & Wallis, R. (2018) Reply to Mortensen et al.: The zymogen form of complement component C1, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (17) E3867-E3868,
  • Almitairi. J.O.M., Venkatraman Girija, U., Furze, C.M., Simpson-Gray, X., Badakshi, F., Marshall, J.E., Schwaeble, W.J., Mitchell, D.A., Moody, P.C.E., & Wallis, R. (2018). Structure of the C1r–C1s interaction of the C1 complex of complement activation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 115 (4) 768-773,
  • Venkatraman Girija, U., Furze, C.M., Gingras, A.R., Yoshizaki, T., Ohtani, K., Marshall, J.E., Wallis, A.K., Schwaeble, W.J., El-Mezgueldi, M., Mitchell, D.A., , C.E.P., , N., & , R. (2015). Molecular basis of sugar recognition by collectin-K1 and the effects of mutations associated with 3MC syndrome. BMC Biology. 13(1), 136. 
  • Risteli, M., Ruotsalainen, H., Bergmann, U., Venkatraman Girija, U., Wallis, R. & Myllylä, R. (2014). Lysyl hydroxylase 3 modifies lysine residues to facilitate oligomerization of mannan-binding lectin. PloS one. 9(11), e113498.
  • Venkatraman Girija, U., Gingras, A.R., Marshall, J.E., Panchal, R., Sheikh, M.A., Harper, J.A., Gál, P., Schwaeble, W.J., Mitchell, D.A. & Moody, P.C. (2013). Structural basis of the C1q/C1s interaction and its central role in assembly of the C1 complex of complement activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(34), pp. 13900–13905.
  • Ali, Y.M., Lynch, N.J., Haleem, K.S., Fujita, T., Endo, Y., Hansen, S., Holmskov, U., Takahashi, K., Stahl, G.L., Dudler, T.,Venkatraman Girija, U., Wallis, R., Kadioglu, A., Stover, C.M., Andrew, P.W. and Schwaeble, W.J.(2012). The lectin pathway of complement activation is a critical component of the innate immune response to pneumococcal infection. PLoS Pathogens.8(7), p.e1002793. Available at:
  • Gingras AR, Venkatraman Girija, U., Keeble AH, Panchal R, Mitchell DA, Moody PC, Wallis R. Structural basis of mannan-binding lectin recognition by its associated serine protease MASP-1: implications for complement activation. Structure. 2011 Nov 9;19(11):1635-43. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2011.08.014. PMID: 22078562.
  • Venkatraman Girija, U., Mitchell DA, Roscher S, Wallis R. Carbohydrate recognition and complement activation by rat ficolin-B. Eur J Immunol. 2011 Jan;41(1):214-23. doi: 10.1002/eji.201040612. Epub 2010 Dec 3. PMID: 21182092; PMCID: PMC3179595.
  • Phillips AE, Toth J, Dodds AW, Venkatraman Girija, U., Furze CM, Pala E, Sim RB, Reid KB, Schwaeble WJ, Schmid R, Keeble AH, Wallis R. Analogous interactions in initiating complexes of the classical and lectin pathways of complement. J Immunol. 2009 Jun 15;182(12):7708-17. doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.0900666. PMID: 19494295; PMCID: PMC2824238.
  • Venkatraman Girija, U., Dodds, A.W., Roscher, S., Reid, K.B. & Wallis, R.; Localization and Characterization of the Mannose-Binding Lectin (MBL)-Associated-Serine Protease-2 Binding Site in Rat Ficolin-A: Equivalent Binding Sites within the Collagenous Domains of MBLs and Ficolins.  J Immunol. July 2007; 179 (1): 455–462. 

Research interests/expertise

My research focuses on host-pathogen interactions, with a particular emphasis on fungal pathogens and immune evasion strategies. We investigate how fungal pathogens including several species of Candida and Cryptococcus, and commensal microbes interact with the complement pathways of the innate immune system. A key area of interest is the molecular mechanisms behind opportunistic fungal infections and the sophisticated strategies used by these pathogens to establish invasive, often lethal infections.

Given the growing challenge of antimicrobial and antifungal resistance in nosocomial infections, our work explores several therapeutic avenues, including the role of commensal microbes, probiotics, and bacteriophages in combating fungal infections. We also screen new chemotherapeutic agents as potential treatments. We study how clinical fungal isolates utilize secreted and membrane proteins to evade immune responses, with a focus on microbial proteases that degrade key immune components such as complement pathway proteins, immunoglobulins (IgG, IgM, IgA), dendritic cell receptors, and surfactant proteins. In addition, we are interested in evaluating how novel therapeutics, such as nanomedicines, interact with complement components of the innate immune system, which has important implications for drug efficacy and immune-related side effects.

Our work employs advanced molecular and microbiological techniques, including PCR, molecular cloning, microbial strain engineering, site-directed mutagenesis, recombinant protein expression (in E. coli, yeast), protein purification, protein-protein interaction studies, assay development, cell culture, microbial co-culturing, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. These approaches help us uncover fundamental host-microbe interactions and develop innovative strategies to mitigate fungal infections.

Our research is highly collaborative, with national and international partnerships, including the Universities of Oxford and Leicester (UK), University Hospitals of Leicester, UAE University, and Hacettepe University, Turkey. Our laboratory welcomes potential new PhD and MRes students, as well as opportunities for academic and industrial collaborations. We are keen to work with partners who share our interest in understanding microbial pathogenesis, immune responses, and the development of novel therapeutic strategies.

Areas of teaching

  • Immunology
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular Biology
  • Applied Biotechnology


  • PGCertHE (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ; 2016)
  • D.Phil. Biochemistry (University of Oxford, UK; 2009)
  • MSc Microbiology (Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India; 1999)
  • BSc Microbiology (University of Madras, India; 1997)

ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ taught

  • BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science
  • BSc Medical Science
  • MSc Advanced Biomedical Science

Honours and awards

    • Students Choice Teacher Award, ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ, UK (2024)
    • Vice Chancellors Distinguished Teacher Award, ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ, UK (2018)
    • Best Poster Award, Complement UK meeting, New Castle, UK (October 2013)
    • Overseas Research Scholarship award for Doctoral study at University of Oxford (2006-08)
    • Biocontribute award in the industry for developing company’s first GMO and for successful collaborative research with pharma clients (December 2002 and December 2003)
    • Gold Medallist, University First Rank Holder in MSc Microbiology, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India (June 1999)
    • Gold Medallist, University First Rank Holder in BSc Microbiology (June 1997)

Membership of external committees

  • Reviewer for several research journals in the field of Immunology

Conference attendance

  • 4th Complement UK meeting, Leicester, UK, November 2016
  • 11th International Conference on Innate Immunity, Olympia, Greece, June 2014
  • Complement UK meeting, New Castle, UK, October 2013
  • XII International Complement Workshop, Basel, Switzerland, October 2008
  • International Complement Meeting, MRC Immunochemistry Unit, Oxford, UK; July 2008
  • XI European meeting on Complement in Human Disease, Cardiff, UK; September, 2007
  • VI International Workshop on C1 and the Collectins, Seeheim, Germany; June 2006

Current research students

    • Ms Nidaa Riaz Gaffar (PhD student; 1st supervisor; October 2024 - )
    • Ms Tahsin Ahamed Khan (PhD student, 1st supervisor; October 2021 - )
    • Ms Nisha Valand (1st supervisor; completed PhD in 2022)
    • Mr Medhanie Habtom (1st supervisor, completed MRes in 2019)
    • Ms Emily Brunt (1st supervisor, completed MRes in 2019)

Internally funded research project information

  • Project: Schistosomiasis: Molecular investigation towards novel drug target and vaccine design; Value: £6959; Funding source: RIF7 (Research Investment Fund, ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ); Start date: August 2015; End date: July 2016; Role in project: Principal Investigator
  • Project: Protein Production Facility; Value: £46942; Funding source: RCIF2 (Research Capital Investment Funding 2); Start date: December 2015; End date: July 2016; Role in project: Principal Investigator
  • Project: Molecular characterization and identification of emerging parasitic pathogens in the environment in the midlands UK: Public health implications; Value: £21768; Funding source: RCIF2 (Research Capital Investment Funding 2); Start date: December 2015; End date: July 2016; Role in project: Co-applicant
  • Project: Coulter Counter and Cytospin; Value: £22494; Funding source: Capital bid; Start date: July 2016; Role in project: Co-applicant

