
Dr Erika Cudworth

Job: Associate Professor in Education

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: Portland 1.23a, ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 366 4622

E: erika.cudworth@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Erika joined the Education team at ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ in February 2020, where she teaches in the politics of education and on modules focused on researching educational issues. Prior to joining ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ she worked in Social Sciences at the University of East London where she was Professor and taught in Sociology, Politics and International Relations.

Erika’s research expertise lies in the areas of human/animal studies, gender, the environment and posthumanism. She is particularly interested in questions of intersectionality and the persistence of complex inequalities considered at various levels from grounded empirical studies in localities, to the theorizing of global dynamics. Her empirical research has sought to examine the patterns which may be found in examining both cultural forms and material practices/institutions. Erika’s published work includes the books Developing Ecofeminist Theory (2005) and Social Lives with Other Animals (2011), and with Steve Hobden, Posthuman International Relations (2011) and The Emancipatory Project of Posthumanism (2018). Her new book, Animal Entanglements (2024) looks at relationships between people and dog companions and their everyday practices. Her current research is concerned with domestic violence and animal abuse, posthumanist theory, outdoor education for sustainability and home education.

Erika’s teaching over the years has involved an extended reflection on the nature of political power and the relationship between different kinds of state and publics. She has worked extensively in the teaching of research methods, and the politics and sociology of the environment and gender. 

Research group affiliations

  • Institute for Research in Social Sciences

Publications and outputs


Key research outputs

ORCID identifier 0000-0002-5687-5581

Books and edited collections

(2024) Animal Entanglements: Muddied Living with Dog Companions, Rowman and Littlefield, pp.242. ISBN 9781538180198 

(2023) Feminist Animal Studies: Theories, Practices, Politics. (ed. with Ruth McKie and Di Turgoose) Routledge, pp. 252. ISBN 9781032120065 

(2021) Towards a Critically Posthumanist Sociology, double special issue International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. ISSN 0144-333X

(2018) The Emancipatory Project of Posthumanism (with Stephen Hobden) Interventions Series, Routledge, pp.180. ISBN 9781138673250,

(2018) Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations (ed. with Stephen Hobden and Emilian Kavalski), Routledge, pp. 295. ISBN 978-1-3156-1347-5

(2015) Anarchism and Animal Liberation: Essays on Complementary Elements of Total Liberation (ed. with Anthony J. Nocella and Richard White) McFarland, pp.244. ISBN 978-0-7864-9457-6, 

(2013) Technology, Society and Inequality: New Horizons and Contested Futures (ed. with Peter Senker and Kathy Walker) Peter Lang, pp.215. ISBN 978-1-4331-1042-9

(2011) Social Lives with Other Animals: Tales of Sex, Death and Love, Palgrave, pp. 220. DOI 10.1057/9780230302488,

(2011) Posthuman International Relations: Complexity, Ecologism and Global Politics, (with Stephen Hobden) Zed Books, pp.256. ISBN 978-1-780322216, 

(2007) The Modern State: Theories and Ideologies, Edinburgh University Press (with Tim Hall and John McGovern), pp.322. ISBN 978-0-7486-2176-7,

(2005) Developing Ecofeminist Theory: the Complexity of Difference, Palgrave, pp. 218. DOI 10.1057/9780230509276,

(2003) Environment and Society, Routledge, pp.232. DOI 10.4324/9780203994900. 

Journal articles

(2024) Companions, Captives, Kin: Domination and Affection in the Conceptualising of ‘Pets’. Pets, 1, 182–200, 

(2024). From godkin to oddkin: Love, friendship and kin making beyond the human family. The Sociological Review0(0). 

(2023) 'Animalising International Relations'. (with Steve Hobden) International Relations, 37(3), 398-422 

(2022) 'Zoonotic Politics: The Impossible Bordering of the Leaky Boundaries of Species', (with Steve Hobden)  Millennium, 50(3), 647-688. 

(2022) 'Labors of Love: Work, labor and care in dog-human relations', Gender, Work and Organization, 29(3), 830-844 

(2021) ‘Muddied living: making home with dog companions’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 41. 3/4 424-429 

(2021) 'Towards a Critically Posthumanist Sociology in Precarious Times', International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 41, 3/4: 265-281 

(2018) “Now, where were we?’ The highs and lows of hunting data with a research pack’, Journal of Sociology special issue A Sociology of Multi-Species Relations? 54. 4: 488-503.

(2018) ‘Anarchism’s Posthuman Future’ (with Stephen Hobden) Anarchist Studies 26, 1: 79-104. ISBN 978-1-912064-92-2

(2017) ‘Posthuman Community in the Edgelands’ Society and Animals, 25, 4: 384-403.

(2017) ‘Anthropocene, Capitalocene and Liberal Cosmopolitan IR: A Response to Burke et al’s, ‘Planet Politics” (with David Chandler and Stephen Hobden) Millennium Journal of International Studies 46, 2: 190-208

(2016) ‘A Sociology for Other Animals? Analysis, advocacy and intervention’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 36, 3/4: 242-257.

(2015) ‘The Posthuman Way of War’ (with Stephen Hobden) Security Dialogue. 46, 6: 513-529.

(2015) ‘Killing Animals: Sociology, species relations and institutionalised violence’ The Sociological Review, 63, 1: 1-18.

(2015) ‘Liberation for Straw Dogs? Old materialism, new materialism and the challenge of an emancipatory posthumanism’ (with Stephen Hobden) Globalizations, Special Issue ‘Occupying Subjectivity: Being and Becoming Radical in the Twenty-First Century’, 12, 1: 134-148. https://doi.org/10.1080/14747731.2014.971634

(2014) ‘Civilization and the Animal’ (with Stephen Hobden) Millennium Journal of International Studies, 42, 2: 746-766.

(2014) ‘Analyzing Change: complex rather than dialectical?’ (with Stephen Hobden) Globalizations, Special Issue ‘Dialectics and World Politics’, 11, 5: 627-642. 

(2013) ‘Of Parts and Wholes: International Relations Beyond the Human’ (with Stephen Hobden) Millennium Journal of International Studies, 41, 3: 430-450. 

(2013) ‘Complexity, Ecologism and Posthuman Politics’ (with Stephen Hobden), Review of International Studies, 39, 3: 643-664. 

(2012) ‘Foundations of Complexity, and the Complexity of Foundations: Beyond the Foundation/Anti-Foundational Debate’ (with Stephen Hobden) Philosophy of Social Sciences, 42, 2: 163-187.

(2012) ‘Securança do que e para quem? Desquilades mứltiplas e complexas e a polίtica envolvida na securançe ambiental na Europa’, (with Stephen Hobden) Interfacehs, 6, 3: 117-131 (‘Securing What for Whom? Multiple Complex Inequalities and the Politics of Environmental Security in Europe’ (with Stephen Hobden), Interfaces)

(2011) ‘Walking the Dog: Explorations and Negotiations of Species Difference’ Philosophy, Activism, Nature, 8: 14-22. 

(2011) ‘Climate Change, Industrial Animal Agriculture and Complex Inequalities’ The International Journal of Science in Society, 2, 3: 323-334. 

(2011) ‘Beyond Environmental Security: Complex Systems, Multiple Inequalities and Environmental Risks’, (with Stephen Hobden) Environmental Politics, 20, 1: 42-59.* 

(2010) ‘Anarchy and Anarchism: Towards a Theory of Complex International Systems’ (with Stephen Hobden) Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 39, 2: 399-416.

(2010) “The Recipe for Love’? Continuities and Changes in the Sexual Politics of Meat’ The Journal for Critical Animal Studies, 8, 4: 78-99. ISSN 1948-352X 

(2009) ‘The Politics of Arts and Events: Social Capital and “Community Cohesion” in East London’, (with Judith Burnett) Rising East Online: The Journal of East London Studies 9a, 15.

(2009) ‘More than a Metaphor: Complexity Theory in the Social Sciences’, (with Stephen Hobden) The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 4, 4: 59-69.

(2008) ‘The Good Citizen: Problematising Citizenship in the Social Sciences Curriculum’, (with Judith Burnett) Learning and Teaching: the International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences Winter 2008 1, 3: 67-88.

(2008) ‘Archipelagic Nations: Situating Citizenship in Education’, (with Judith Burnett) The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 3, 4: 145-154. 

(2008) “Most Farmers Prefer Blondes’ – Dynamics of Anthroparchy in Animals’ Becoming Meat’, The Journal for Critical Animal Studies, 6, 1: 32-45. ISSN 1948-352X 

(2007) ‘Complexity Theory and the Sociology of Natures’, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences 2, 3: 351-358.

Book chapters

(2024) Resisting Zoopolis: bordering species relations as a response to COVID-19, in J. Browne and Z. Sutton (eds) Human-Animal Relationships in Times of Pandemic and Climate Crisis: Multispecies Sociology for the Now-Normal, Routledge. ISBN 9781032180397

(2023) "She always looked after me': Revisiting reproduictive labour and matters of care with/in companion species', in E. Cudworth, R.E. McKie and Di Turgoose (eds.) Feminist Animal Studies: Theory, Practice, Politics, Routledge, pp. 118-133 

(2022) 'Working the Dog: The organisation of space, time and labor in multispecies homes', in L. Hamilton and L. Tallberg (eds.)  Animal Organisation Studies, Oxford University Press, pp.115-128. 

(2022) ‘Bringing down the Animal Abuse Industry by Any Means Necessary: state-corporate-media alliance, the fragility of pro-meat propaganda and the possibilities of counter cultural intervention’ (with Richard White) in Radical Animal Studies ed. Anthony J. Nocella, Lantern Books, pp.37-55. ISBN 9781433191572

(2021) 'Posthuman International Relations', (with Stephen Hobden) in International Relations in the Anthropocene (eds.) D.Chandler and D. Roth, Routledge. ISBN 9783030530136

(2018) ‘Farming and Food’, in C. Levy and M. Adams (eds) The International Handbook of Anarchism. Palgrave, pp. 641-658.

(2018) ‘Epilogue: Beyond the Anthropocentric Partitioning of the World’, in Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations (ed. with Stephen Hobden and Emilian Kavalski), Routledge. ISBN 978-1-3156-1347-5  

(2018) ‘Introduction: Framing the Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations’ in Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations (ed. with Stephen Hobden and Emilian Kavalski), Routledge. ISBN 978-1-3156-1347-5 

 38. (2018) 'The Posthuman Way of War' (with Stephen Hobden) in Posthuman Dialogues in International Relations (ed. with Stephen Hobden and Emilian Kavalski) Routledge. ISBN 981-1-3156-1347-5 

(2017) ‘Breeding and Rearing Farmed Animals’, in H. Pierpoint, J. Maher and P. Beirne (eds) The International Handbook on Animal Abuse Studies. Palgrave, pp: 159-178.  

(2017) ‘Posthuman Insecurity’ (with Stephen Hobden), in A. Burke and R. Floyd eds. Global Insecurity: Futures of chaos and governance. Palgrave, pp. 65-81. 

(2016) ‘On Ambivalence and Resistance: Carnism and Diet in Multispecies Households’, in A. Potts (ed.) Critical Perspectives on Meat Culture. Brill, pp.222-242

(2016) ‘Liberation for Straw Dogs? Old materialism, new materialism and the challenge of an emancipatory posthumanism’ (with Stephen Hobden) Occupying Subjectivity: Being and Becoming Radical in the Twenty-First Century, Routledge, pp. 133-146. ISBN 13 978-1-138-1206-3

(2016) ‘Ecofeminism and the Animal’, in M. Phillips and N. Rumens (eds) Contemporary Perspectives on Ecofeminism. Routledge, pp. 38-56. ISBN 978-1-138-01974-4

(2016) ‘Puppy Love? Companion Animals in the Media’, (with Tracey Jensen) in N. Almiron, M.C. Cole and C.P. Freeman (eds) Critical Animal and Media Studies: Communication for Nonhuman Animal Advocacy, Routledge, pp. 185-200. ISBN-13: 978-1-1388-4226-7

(2015) ‘Dialectics and Complexity’ (with Stephen Hobden), in S. Brinncat (ed.) Dialectics and World Politics. Routledge, pp.  ISBN: 978-0-4156-2527-2

(2015) ‘Human Domination and Other Animals’, in A. J. Nocella, E. Cudworth and R. White (eds) (2015) Anarchism and Animal Liberation: Essays on Complementary Elements of Total Liberation. (eds. with Anthony J. Nocella and Richard White) McFarland, pp. 93-107. ISBN 978-1-4331-1042-9

(2015) ‘Complexifying International Relations for a Posthumanist World’, (with Stephen Hobden) in E. Kavalski (ed.) World Politics at the Edge of Chaos: Complexity and Global Life. SUNY, pp. 169-188. ISBN 978-1-4384-5607-2

(2014) ‘Beyond Speciesism: Theorizing the Social Domination of Other Animals’ in N. Taylor and R. Twine (eds) The Rise of Critical Animal Studies: From the Margins to the Centre. Routledge, pp. 19-35. 

(2014) ‘Challenging Systems of Domination from Below’ (with Richard White) in A. J. Nocella, J. Sørenson, K. Socha, and A. Matsuoka (eds) Defining Critical Animal Studies: An Intersectional Social Justice Approach for Liberation. Peter Lang, pp. 202-220.

(2014) ‘„Prezpis na miłość”? Kontynuacje i zmiany w płciowej polityce mięsa’, Śmierć Zwierzęcia: Współczesne Zootanatolgoie, (ed.) Marzena Kotyczka, Katowice: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego. (“The Recipe for Love’? Continuities and Changes in the Sexual Politics of Meat’, The Death of the Animal: Contemporary Zoothanatologies, University of Silesia, pp. 55-78) ISBN 978-83-226-2381-7

(2013) ‘Feminism’ in C. Death (ed.) Critical Environmental Politics. Routledge, pp. 91-100. ISBN: 978-0-4156-3122-8

(2013) ‘Climate Change, Industrial Animal Agriculture and Complex Inequalities: Developments in the Politics of Food Insecurity’, in E. Cudworth, P. Senker and K. Walker (eds.) Technology, Society and Inequality. Peter Lang, pp. 47-60. ISBN 978-1-4331-1042-9

(2013) ‘Introduction – Contested Futures, Technology, Inequality and Progress’, (with Peter Senker and Kathy Walker) in E. Cudworth, P. Senker and K. Walker (eds.) Technology, Society and Inequality. Peter Lang, pp. 1-16. ISBN 978-1-4331-1042-9

(2013) ‘Conclusion – New Horizons and Contested Futures’, (with Peter Senker and Kathy Walker) in E. Cudworth, P. Senker and K. Walker (eds.) Technology, Society and Inequality. Peter Lang, pp. 167-180. ISBN 978-1-4331-1042-9

(2011) “Most farmers prefer Blondes’ – Entanglements of Gender and Nature in Animals’ Becoming-meat’, in R. Carter and N. Charles (eds) Human and Other Animals: Critical Perspectives. Palgrave, pp. 153-172.

(2010) ‘Complexity, ‘Nature’ and Social Domination: Towards a Sociology of Species Relations’, in J. Burnett, S. Jeffers and G. Thomas (eds) New Social Connections: Sociology’s Subjects and Objects. Palgrave, pp. 85-104.

(2010) ‘Educating the Outcast: Policy and Practice in the Education of Gypsy Traveller Children’, (with David Cudworth) in L. Ang, J. Trushell and P. Walker (eds.) Learning and Teaching in a Metropolis. Rodolpi, pp. 27-48. ,

(2009) ‘Environmental Insecurity’, (with Stephen Hobden) in H. Fagan, and R. Munck (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Globalization and Security: Volume One- Economic and Political Aspects. Praeger, pp. 79-100. ISBN 978-0-275-99696-3

(2009) ‘Nature, Culture, Technology: Myths and Inequalities in the Posthuman Zoo’ in J. Burnett, P. Senker and K. Walker (eds.) The Myths of Technology: Innovation and Inequality. Peter Lang, pp. 131-144. ISBN: 9781433101281

(2008) ‘Seeing and Believing: Gender and Species Hierarchy in Contemporary Cultures of Animal Food’ in D. Grummett and R. Meurs (eds.) Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology. Continuum/T&T Clark, pp. 168-183. ISBN 978-0-5672-6795-5

(2004) ‘Women on Derive: Autobiographical Explorations of Lived Spaces’ (with Judith Burnett and Maria Tamboukou) in Feminism and Geography Reconsidered, Women in Geography Study Group (eds.) 

Research interests/expertise

  • qualitative research methods (particularly mobile methodologies and multi-species ethnography)
  • contemporary social and political theory (complexity approaches, feminisms, new materialism, political ecologism, critical posthumanism)
  • sociology of difference and intersectional inequalities
  • citizenship and education
  • critical animal studies (companion species, farmed animals, feminist approaches)
  • critical pedagogy (eco pedagogy, new materialism, decolonisation)

Areas of teaching

  • social theory
  • politics of education
  • research methods
  • environmental education


  • PhD Sociology, University of Leeds
  • PGCE Social Studies, Institute of Education (UCL)
  • MSc Political Sociology, LSE
  • BSoc.Sc. Political Science, University of Birmingham

ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ taught

  • EDUC 2402 Research Methods
  • EDUC 3404 Dissertation

Membership of professional associations and societies

  • BSA (British Sociological Association)
  • BISA (British International Studies Association)
  • EACAS (European Association for Critical Animal Studies)
  • IPSA (International Political Science Association)

Professional licences and certificates

PCGE Social Studies (Institute of Education, London University)


Erika is currently engaged with a number of projects.

A co-authored book project with Dr. Matthew Cole from the Open University. The book, Animalizing Sociology, will revisit ‘classical’ social theory with posthumanist lenses.

A Canadian study of carework in multiespecies homes with Dr. Andrea Breen, Prof. Lauren van Patter and Prof. Carla Rice, University of Guelph.

New projects developing further co-authored work with Dr. Steve Hobden from the University of East London in posthumanist theory and on the human-animal-technical assemblages of securitisation displacement looking at animals as forced migrants.

An edited book with the ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ education team  Educating Young People for Sustainable Futures

A qualitative study of home schooling in London and Leicester with Emma Wright (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ)

Forthcoming events


Conference attendance

Select conference papers include:

'Multispecies ethnography: humans and dogs in muttispecies households' International Congress of Qualitative Enquiry, Illinois, 29th-31st May 2024.

'Companion animals and domestic violence and abuse: the intersection feminism forgot?' (with Di Turgoose) and 'From Godkin to Oddkin: humans and dogs in mutlspeices households' Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association, online, 3rd-5th April, 2024.

'Cybords, companions, kin: Rethinking posthumanist intimacies with Haraway', STS Italia conference, University of Bologna, Italty, 28th June 2023.

"Utopian action is survival action': Anthroparchy, capitalocene and a sociology of existential threat', International Association of Vegan Sociologists Annual Conference, online, 10th October 2021.

‘Bringing down the Animal Abuse Industry by Any Means Necessary: State-corporate-media alliance and the fear of counter-cultural intervention’ (with Richard J. White) Rethinking revolution: non-human animals, antispeciesm and power.  6th Conference of the European Association for Critical Animal Studies, Barcelona, Catalonia, 24th May, 2019.

‘Human uplift and animal oppression – ‘becoming civilized”, Anarchist Studies Network Conference, University of Loughborough, UK, 12th-14th September 2018.

‘For Terraism: excavating multispecies community in a time of extinction’, 5th Annual European Conference for Critical Animal Studies, University of Lund, Sweden, 26th-28th October 2017.

“It Smells Good to Me’: Embodied affectivity in the posthuman home’, British Animal Studies Network, ‘Smelling’, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow UK, 20th-21st May, 2016.

‘Posthuman Community in the Edgelands’, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Aston, Birmingham UK, 6th-8th April 2016.

‘Dogs on TV: Class, gender and the disruptive potential of the mongrel domestic’ (with Tracey Jensen), British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Aston, Birmingham UK, 6th-8th April 2016.

‘Anarchism’s Posthuman Future’ (with Stephen Hobden), Association of American Geographers Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA, 29th March-2nd April, 2016.

‘Overcoming the Denial of Nature: a Posthuman Perspective’ (with Stephen Hobden) Non-humans and Politics conference, Forschungsinstitut für Philosophie, Hannover, Germany, January 22nd-23rd 2016.

‘The Posthuman Way of War’, (with Stephen Hobden), Posthuman International Relations panel, International Studies Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA 18th-21st February 2015.

‘On Ambivalence and Resistance: Carnism and Diet in Multispecies Households’, Minding Animals Conference, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 13th-20th January 2015.

Consultancy work

Member of the Academic Consultative Committee of the Vegan Society, UK. 

Current research students

Jana Canavan The Limits of Anthropocentric Liberty: Towards an Inclusion of Other Animals (external supervisor, University of Lund)

Tasnina Karim The Adolescent Gender-Gap and Education for Sustainability (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ)

Julia Linares-Roake Caregiving in Multispecies Families (external supervisor, University of Guelph)

 Meera Naran Public Policy Change: The Moral Entrepreneur (ÉëÒ÷Ö®Íõ)

Externally funded research grants information

(2022-25) International co-Investigator 'Family carework in interspecies homes', with University of Guelph, Canada. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Professional esteem indicators

Reviewer of book proposals and manuscripts for publishing houses including: Ashgate, Brill, Common Ground, Continuum, Routledge, Palgrave, Peter Laing, Polity, Rowman and Littlefield and Zed.

Reviewer of papers for academic journals including: Animals, Antipode, Agriculture and Human Values, Configurations, European Journal of International Relations, Food Culture and Society, Frontiers of Sociology, Gender and Education, Hypatia, International Relations, Millennium, Science and Society, Security Dialogue, Signs, Society and Animals, Social Problems, Sociology, The Sociological Review, Theory Culture and Societyand Women’s Studies International Forum.

Book reviews editor for Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses 2012-18.

Grant assessor for proposals for ESRC, ISRF and Leverhulme

Member of the All Party Parliamentary Groups on Dog Welfare, Domestic Violence and on Vegetarianism and Veganism.

Member of the Academic Consultative Committee of the Vegan Society, UK. 

Keynote and invited talks

Select papers include:

'Borders, boundaries and encounters in relations with non-human animals', The Annual Conference of the Westermarck Society, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, 22nd March, 2024 

'The Power Politics of Nature', Pan-European Conference on Intrernational Education, European Studies Association, Malta/online, 17th September 2021.

'Feminism and animal studies: Gender and Human-Animal Relations' hosted online by Institutul pentru Solidaritate Sociala and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Romania, 4th December 2020.

'Becoming with Animal Others: Animality and Postcolonial Entanglements', Millenium annual conference, LSE/online 22nd Octover 2022.

5. ‘Feminism, animal studies and the intersection between gender and human-animal relations’, Feminism meets animal studies lecture series, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 25th June 2019.

6. ‘The Posthuman Way of War’, Department of Global Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 25th April 2019.

‘Posthuman Community in the Edgelands’, Department of Political Science, University of Lund, Sweden, 24th April, 2019.

‘Feminism, animal studies and the intersection between gender and human-animal relations’, Department of Media and Communications, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Catalonia, 21st February, 2019.

‘Uplifting the human and dominating the animal: imperialism, violence and the ‘Civilizing Process”, Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna, Austria, 11th April 2018.

‘The emancipatory project of posthumanism’, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Tampere, Finland, 11th December, 2017.

‘Uplifting the human and dominating the animal: imperialism, violence and the ‘Civilizing Process”, 5th Annual European Conference for Critical Animal Studies, Lund, Sweden, 26th-28th October 2017.

‘A Terraist Manifesto: excavating multispecies community in a time of extinction’, Power and the Chthulucene: Humanimal Discussions at the intersections of gender, sexuality, ability and race symposium, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 6th-7th April 2017.

‘Beyond the Imperial Human: towards a creaturely politics’, Department of History, Politics and International Relations, University of Loughborough, 8th February, 2017.

‘Emancipation in Posthuman Times’, at the Human and Nonhuman Animals: Liberation, History and Critical Animal Studies conference, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences/ New University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas - Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Portugal, 7th-8th October, 2015.

PhD students

Erika has supervised five projects to completion:

Dr. Maxine Newlands (awarded 2013)

Dr. Mary Lodato (2014)

Dr. Alex Williams (2016)

Dr. Camille Barbagallo (2016)

Dr Alex Thomas The Politics and Ethics of Transhumanism: Exploring Implications for the Future in Advanced Capitalism (2023)